Get a Glimpse and E.M.B.R.A.C.E. Your Spectacular Life...
Get honest with yourself: Is your life as good as it gets?
We discovered 3 areas women typically settle for less. In our weekend retreat, you'll experience new levels of Sensuality, Self-expression and Sisterhood. (If that gives you chills, you're on the right track!)
When did you last feel excited, challenged and inspired by new experiences, ideas and friendships? Our LIVE, In-Person E.M.B.R.A.C.E. Your Spectacular Life 2-day Retreat, will do all that and more. We dare you to discover your fun, daring, outrageous sides with Karen Leba Baker, June 10th & 11th in Houston, TX.
As they break, get every juicy detail to your inbox. Add your name to our waiting list.
We send a regular Love Letter as well as occasional announcements, invitations and marketing materials. You may opt out of these emails at any time.
Ok ladies, you've made it this far...and you know, you have it good. Waaaaay better than average, in fact. You're among the most privileged women on Earth. You have financial security. A college degree or two. Dinner reservations or take out, several nights a week.
Maybe you have a 2nd home or, you vacation at top-of-the-mark resorts. The roof over your head is fully equipped with cable, flat screen tv's in every room, hot tub and fine cars. Your kitchen is chef-ready. You have loving family and lifelong friends.
It's no coincidence you have all these, because you were raised to survive. Getting basic needs met, even at a high level, is still meeting only your basic needs.
And that is why, in private moments with yourself, it feels like something is missing.
The "Something missing" is waaaay beyond your basic needs.
The "Something missing" is in your HIGHER ORDER NEEDS. (Remember Maslow, Psych 101?) To meet Higher Order needs, you need something novel and different than what you have ever seen. I call it Higher Order Education.
That's why I cooked up E.M.B.R.A.C.E. Your Spectacular Life, to awaken your dreams and visions with Higher Order Education. That means get out of your head, play around and use that voice to show your sassy self! Our special environment encourages all that.
What will awaken your hunger for "Spectacular"? What will it take to satisfy you deeply, in all your senses, in body, mind and spirit?
This and more is what you'll find at E.M.B.R.A.C.E. Your Spectacular Life Retreat, June 10 & 11. Together, we'll shine light on your life so you can follow the path to spectacular.
Helen Keller said, "Life is either a daring adventure or, it is nothing at all."
E.M.B.R.A.C.E. Your Spectacular Life Retreat is 2 days of energizing performance, self-expression, celebration, imagination, sensuality, stories and sisterhood. You'll leave REFRESHED, CURIOUS, TURNED ON and RESOURCED for your next adventure.
If you've ever wanted to have live, in-person time with Karen Leba Baker, this is it!
June 10th & 11th, 2023 in Houston. TX. Join our wait list for juicy details as they unfold.
We send a regular Love Letter as well as occasional announcements, invitations and marketing materials. You may opt out of these emails at any time.
About Your Guide & Retreat Ringleader
Well-known for bringing out the best in women for over 20 years, Karen Leba Baker walks her walk. Her clients named her "Badass Fairy Godmother" for making their daring dreams come true.
At 65, she is vibrant, satisfied, sexier and more in love than any time, ever.
By creating exciting challenges, Karen will show you how she stays young and juicy. She travels the globe showing women how to live their spectacular life. She'll help you do it, too!
In these 2 days, she'll provide an exciting, accepting environment to propel you to your perfect next action steps and game plan.
You were born for something why settle? You have the time, health and resources, show yourself a good time! Explore your next level life at the E.M.B.R.A.C.E. Your Spectacular Life Retreat LIVE...your body, mind and spirit will applaud you!
Join the waiting list to get the scoop on all the details, updates and thrills!
We send a regular Love Letter as well as occasional announcements, invitations and marketing materials. You may opt out of these emails at any time.